Saturday, February 28, 2009

Going on mission with God is never a simple thing; it never makes sense, as man uses that term. My wife, Cheryl, and I have followed the Lord twice before to the mission field, so we know something of what to expect. But each time the Lord moves in one's life is a new experience, full of expectation and serendipity. This time will be no different.

In 2006, I was fortunate enough to visit the ministries of Keith Britton in Costa Rica. He had joined forces with local Costa Ricans (hereafter referred to as "Ticos") who were helping in their local communities through social ministries. One lady had begun feeding children who would not go to school since they had no food. Another Tica has attached a building to her house and runs a day care for children, so their indigent mothers can take a job. Keith also runs a drug rehabilitation facility on the side of the Vulcan Irazu above San Jose. After visiting some of the poorest people in Costa Rica in a place called "El Hueco" ("the hole"), I came away burdened and wanting to bring them the hope that only the Gospel of Jesus Christ can bring, but the time was not right. I returned to my wife and our congregations in Alabama and I just did not sense it was the right time. Our daughter was still in the home, and she had moved to the mission field twice in her young life. It was time for her to make the transition into adult life and she needed her parents close by to help and guide her. Also, we were enjoying my pastorates and felt the Lord had more for us to do there.

But, in 2007, my sister wrote me and told me that our father was suffering from cancer and our mother had been through several surgeries, had a series of strokes and had survived two heart attacks. She asked me to come home to help. My gracious wife gave up her dream teaching position in a private school and agreed that we needed to return to Missouri and help my parents.

Our situation has changed drastically in the past two years. First, our daughter decided to enlist in the Air Force and is a Korean language specialist in Osan AB, Korea. She is very independent, has been promoted ahead of her peers, and really does not need her parents close by. Secondly, my parents are experiencing the best health they have had in the past five years. Cheryl and I have both been sensing the Lord leading us back to the mission field and specifically to Costa Rica where we served previously. This call of the Lord has been confirmed by our mission, Commission To Every Nation, and by our church, Grace Covenant Christian Center.

This is our first posting, but we will be adding additional posts as we move toward our day of departure, probably some time next year. This period is known as "deputation" and we will use the time to raise up, with God's help, a team of Christians who share our call to missions. We will be asking these people to support us prayerfully and financially and commit to coming on mission with us, if physically able. If you would like to know more about us, please look at our profile on the mission web site at or continue to follow our journey with the Lord on this blog site. If the Lord is calling you to participate with us on mission, we will often list specific things you can pray for and if you desire to financially sponsor us, please send your check made payable to: CTEN, P.O. Box 291307, Kerrville, TX 78029-1307. Please place a note with any check stating that your gift is for the ministry of "Brent and Cheryl Garzelli". Your gifts are tax deductible. Thank you so much and stay tuned as we walk together in the providence of God.

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